Call: 650-261-1711 Mo-Fr, 8:30 to 6:30 Pacific Standard Tine       E-MAIL US 


Advantest  R3261D 9kHz-3.6GHz with 1Hz maximum resolution.  RF power measurments IN STOCK. pic 1950
Advantest  TR4131 10kHz-3.5GHz portable spectrum analyzer. GPIB, RS-232, Video out, Audio jack. pic IN STOCK 1950
Anritsu MS2663B 9kHz-8.1GHz. Color LCD, Freq. counter, C/N, Adjacent ch. pwr, occupied freq. BW, burst avg. pwr, 110dB  range. pic 3500
HP  8557A 10kHz-300MHz, 70dB attenuator, -60dBm sensitivity. Add HP 182 Large screen display for $150   650
HP  8566B Spectrum Analyzer 100Hz to 22 GHz, Color LCD upgrade. IN STOCK 2799
HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer 100Hz to 1.5 GHz, 120dB attenuator, IN STOCK 1495
HP  8569A 10kHz to 22 GHz Spectrum Analyzer. IN STOCK! 3500
HP  8590A 10kHz -1.5GHz, Portable spectrum analyzer. 1 kHz resolution, opt 021 (HPIB). New CRT pic  IN STOCK. 850
HP 8591E 9kHz-1.8GHz Portable Spectrum Analyzer with option 041. k5 1750
Agilent E4440A 26 GHz high performance spectrum analyzer options BAB or 1DS, B7J . IN STOCK. 5k2 call
Agilent E4446A Agilent E4446A 44 GHz high performance spectrum analyzer. Options 115, 1DS, 266, B7J. IN STOCK. iii call
Agilent E4448A High Performance 50GHz Spectrum Analyzer Phase Noise option option 226 115,266,AYZ. IN STOCK. VIDEO  001 BUY HERE 34995
Agilent N9010A Signal Analyzer 7GHz version (opt 507), Preamplifier option (P03)  IN STOCK. 001/30371 9500
Agilent N9010A 26 GHz Signal Analyzer. Options: 2FP, 526, EMC, FS1, FSA, P03, 2FP, 3FP, 4FP, 5FP, 6FP, 7FP. Win XP call
Agilent 8561EC 30Hz to 6.5GHz Spectrum Analyzer opt 007. IN STOCK. 001/bos30371 3995
HP 8562E 30Hz to 13.2GHz Portable Spectrum Analyzer 1Hz resolution High dynamic range. 001 5995
Agilent 8564EC 40 GHz Spectrum Analyzer. IN STOCK 001 11995
Agilent 8565E 50 GHz Spectrum Analyzer. IN STOCK 001 11995
HP 8563E 30Hz-26.5GHz Portable Spectrum Analyzer. Option 006 .Available with an LCD upgrade. K5 5750
HP 8564E 40 GHz Portable Spectrum Analyzer 1 Hz resolution. 7500
Agilent 8565E 50 GHz Portable Spectrum Analyzer. 1 Hz resolution. Only 2,973k operating hours.  PICTURES 00I 11995
HP  11729C Carrier-Noise test set. 10MHz-18GHz No negative options, full band coverage, +7dBm 350
HP 70611A Attenuator switch driver for HP 70000 series spectrum analyzers. IN STOCK 650
HP 70310A Precision Frequency Reference for HP 70000 series spectrum analyzers. IN STOCK  350
HP 70620B Preamplifier Module for HP 70000 series spectrum analyzers. IN STOCK  1200
HP 70910A IN STOCK. RF Section for HP 70000 series spectrum analyzers. 26.5GHz. IN STOCK 2500
HP 71209A IN STOCK. Spectrum analyzer system 100Hz-26.5GHz, 10Hz resolution. IN STOCK 4500
HP 71910A IN STOCK. Wideband Surveillance Receiver / Spectrum Analyzer.  pic 6500
HP 70950A IN STOCK. Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA) 600-1700nm. IN STOCK  pic 3850
HP 86140A Optical Spectrum Analyzer. Covers L Band, S Band, C Band. 600-1700nm  IN STOCK pic 8500
Agilent 86140A Agilent 86140A REPAIR SERVICE ONLY. Quick turn around. 27 years in the business 2499
HP 86145A Optical Spectrum Analyzer. Wide band, high dynamic range. Built in light source. 008 9995
Agilent 86142A Agilent 86142A REPAIR SERVICE ONLY. Quick turn around. 27 years in the business 2499
Agilent 86146B Agilent 86146B REPAIR SERVICE ONLY. Quick turn around. 27 years in the business 2499
Ando  AQ6317
Ando AQ6317 OSA In stock! Watch here: VIDEO   006
Yokogawa AQ6370 Yokogawa AQ6370. REPAIR SERVICE ONLY. Quick turn around. 27 years in the business 2499
Ando AQ6370 Ando AQ6370 REPAIR SERVICE ONLY. Quick turn around. 27 years in the business 2499
Yokogawa AQ6370B  Yokogawa AQ6370 REPAIR SERVICE ONLY. Quick turn around. 27 years in the business 2499
Agilent 86142B Agilent 86142B REPAIR SERVICE ONLY. Quick turn around. 27 years in the business 2499
HP 3582A Dual channel Spectrum analyzer 25kHz BW High dynamic range. 1 MHz inputs Built in noise source. VIDEO 008 2495
HP 3585B HP3585B Low frequency spectrum analyzer 20Hz-40MHz, 100dB dynamic range, 3Hz resolution. 001   SOLD OUT 2995
HP 3561A HP3561A Dynamic Signal Analyzer 100kHz BW,  Color LCD upgrade. 995
HP 35670A Dynamic Signal Analyzer 102kHz BW options 1D3, 1D4, UFC, 1C2, 1D0, 1D1, 1D2   PICS  008 3995
Agilent 1670D Deep Memory Logic Analyzer. 250MHz, 136 Channel up to 2MB memory per channel. 550
Agilent 1672G 500MHz, 68 channel logic analyzer. 6z50 750
Agilent 16802A Agilent 16802A 4 GHz timing Logic Analyzer 68 channels 450MHz State analysis. Up to 32MB data memory. 006W 1995
HP  1630D 100MHz Timing-25MHz State 43 channel. All probes are included  395
HP  1631D 50MHz 200MS/s DSO with 100MHz 43 Channel Logic analyzer.  pic     650
HP  1653B 100/35MHz Timing/State 32 channel with 100MHz DSO.  Floppy drive storage  pic  ALL PROBES  650
HP  1661C 500/100MHz Timing/State 102 channel ALL PROBES 8kb/chan.  IN STOCK 650
HP  1660CS 500/100MHz Timing/State 136 chanel. & 250MHz, 1Gs/s oscilloscope. 8kb/chan. Mouse, ALL PROBES INCLUDED. IN STOCK 950
HP 16500C Logic Analyzer Mainframe. Modules are available separately.  JC 395
HP  16510B 100/35MHz Timing/State, 80 channels.  For HP 16500A/B/C.  49
HP  16550A 500/MHz100 MHz Timing/State, 102 chan.  4K/8K per channel. For 16500A/B/C.  95
HP  16555A 500MHz/110 MHz Timing/State, 68 chan.  2MB memory.  150
HP  16555D 500/MHz110MHz Timing/State, 68 chan.  2MB memory.  295
HP 54620C Logic Analyzer with 16 timing channels Color LCD, intuitive scope like controls. Cable included. VIDEO   006 iii 395
Agilent 16717A Timing Analysis Board for Agilent 16700 series logic analyzers,  ii   001 195
Agilent 16903A Logic Analyzer System. IN STOCK. Modules are available separately. VIDEO  001 1295
Tektronix TLA7M4 68 channel, 2GHz timing, 100MHz state analyzer module for TLA 700 series analyzers 95
Agilent N4431B N4431B Vector Analyzer Electronic Calibration Module 4 port 14 GHz. IN STOCK! p/n Agilent N4431-60006. 001 call
Agilent N4418A N4418A HP 8546S-Parameters Test Set 20GHz for Agilent 872xE and 8719E network analyzers 5k 1500
Agilent 8720ES

Agilent 8720ES 20GHz Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) for under $14k. High Power (option 085). Photo Video IN STOCK 001

Agilent 8722ES Agilent 8722ES 40GHz Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). Available with of these options: 007, 085, 089. iii 006 26950
HP 3577A
HP3577A 200MHz Vector Network Analyzer Low frequency VNA. 3 port built-in source. 001
HP 8720B HP 8720B 20 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 2 Port opt 001 High resolution  5k   pic VIDEO 7500
HP 8720D HP8720D 20 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 2 port VNA for under $10k!!. IN STOCK! 5k 9750
HP 8722D HP 8722D 40 GHz 2 port VNA Vector Network Analyzer for under $20k.  Options available  VIDEO   5k4 BUY HERE 17950
Agilent 8722ES Agilent 8722ES 40 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 2 port VNA. IN STOCK! 5k call
Agilent E5071B Agilent E5071B 8 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 2 port VNA. Installed options: 015, 1E5, 214.    00I call
Agilent N5230A Agilent Four port Vector network analyzer model N5230A 20 GHz VNA with a test set. High speed VNA with wide dynamic range 22950
Agilent E8364B Agilent E8364B 50 GHz Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) Opt: 014/016/080/081/H85/P02/UNL  IN STOCK! Picture 49995
Agilent E8363C Agilent E8363C 40 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 2 port VNA. IN STOCK!  Watch the E8363C video 49995
Agilent E8363C/E8364B Repair service; power supply, no display, will not boot and more E8361A/E8362A/E8363B/E8364C/N5230C call
HP  8755C Scalar Network analyzer. 3 channel, 10MHz-18.5GHz. With HP182T display. IN STOCK   650
Anritsu 54107A Anritsu 54107A Scalar Network analyzer with built in source. IN STOCK  Detectors are available from $100 1950
HP  8757A Scalar Network analyzer. Opt 001, 4th Input channel. Detectors are available 695
HP 8757D HP8757D Scalar Network analyzer. Opt 001, 4th Input channel.  Opt 002 (calibrator) is available  PICS 001 1750
HP 8757E HP8757E Scalar Network Analyzer 40 GHz range. 3 input channels. IN STOCK 850
HP 89441A HP 89441A Vector Signal Analyzer Options: 1C2/AYA/AYH/AY7/AY9/UFG. RF section available. 001/bos30731 995
HP 11664A RF Detector 10 MHz-18.5 GHz for HP8757 series scalar network analyzers  250
HP 11664B RF Detector 10 MHz-26.5 GHz for HP8757X series scalar network analyzers 350
HP 85020A HP 85020A Directional Bridge for HP8757A/HP8757B/HP8757C/HP8757D/HP8757E Scalar Network Analyzers. MM 249
Agilent 82025E RF Detector 26.5 GHz for HP8757X series scalar network analyzers. 001 1295
HP 82025B RF Detector 26.5 GHz for HP8757X series scalar network analyzers. 008 1195
Agilent 85025D Agilent 85025D 50GHz Scalar RF Detector for under $5k, 2.4 mm connector for all HP/Agilent 8757 series analyzers 4950
Agilent 85025E Agilent 85025E Coaxial RF Detector for HP & Agilent 8757 scalar network analyzers. PICTURES 001 1495
HP 85027C HP 85027C Directional bridge. For HP series 8755/8756 and 8757 Scalar Network Analyzers 1200
HP 85027E HP 85027E 26.5GHz Directional Bridge for HP & Agilent Scalar network analyzers 6z7 1500
HP 85021B HP 85021B 26.5 GHz Directional Bridge for HP & agilent 8757 series scalar analyzers PICTURES 549
Agilent 85047A Agilent 85047A 6 GHz S-Parameters Test Set. IN STOCK! 1495
Tektronix RSA5106A  RSA5106A Real Time Spectrum Analyzer. option 52, 53, 55,56, 200, 5085, 09, 50110 call
Keysight M9421A Keysight  6 GHz Vector Transiver for PXIe systems options: 506/B1X/HDX/MMO/MTS/PS1. Best price guaranteed! 1950
Dranetz 646 Power Disturbance Analyzer with event printer and RS-232 interface 650
Dranetz  808 Power Demand Analyzer with built in printer. Accurate record of  power consumption over time 795
Voltech PM1000 AC Power Analyzer 700Vrms, 20Arms. IN STOCK! 895
Voltech PM1200 AC Power Analyzer with computer interface. Measure Power Factor, Harmonics, THD, Freq. 006 695
Yokogawa WT210 AC Power Analyzer with Harmonics option. LIKE NEW CONDITION. PICTURES     001 995
Agilent 4155C Agilent 4155C Repair Service. From $960. Quick turnaround. 27 years in business 960
Agilent 4156C Agilent 4156C Repair Service. From $960. Quick turnaround. 27 years in business 960
Agilent 41501B HP41501B Repair Service. From $950. Quick turnaround. Free estimates.  We can repair error 10524 950
Agilent E5504B Agilent E5504B Phase Noise Measuring System. Residual & Baseband to 26.5GHz. COMPLETE  001 SOLD OUT 15995
Agilent E5052A Agilent E5052A Signal Source Analyzer 7 GHz Phase noise, VCO characterization, Transient measurement. 001 17995
Agilent E5501B Agilent 70420A based Phase Noise Measuring System High power (option 001) IN STOCK. 001 9950
Agilent E6651A WiMax Test Set. IEEE 802.16e 2005 Protocol Conformance Test (PCT) TTCN-3 protocol test case support  7k 1995
Anritsu MP1632A Data Analyzer. Options 1,2,3. AS-IS. 6z50 450
Boonton 4400A Boonton 4400A RF Peak Power Analyzer repair service. Flat rate, Quick turnaround. 1200
Boonton 4500A Boonton 4500A RF Peak Power Analyzer. REFURBISHED! 5950
Boonton 4500A Boonton 4400A RF Peak Power Analyzer repair service. Flat rate, Quick turnaround.  1200
Boonton 4500B Boonton 4400A RF Peak Power Analyzer repair service. Flat rate, Quick turnaround 1200
Cobham 7100 Digital Radio Test Set 6 GHz LTE Call box, MIMOx2 Second carrier AWG Fading FDD TTF Dev  5k 2950
HP E1725A Time Interval Analyzer with distribution amplifier module. 6z7 1350
HP  4145B Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer Repair Service. 27 years in the business. From $650  650
HP  4145B Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer 4 SMU +/-100V max Test fixture is available (HP16058A) 2950
HP  4155A HP4155A Refurbished 1 yr warranty. IN STOCK. Semiconductor Analyzer.  pic 4950
HP 4155A HP4155A Repair Service. From $495. Quick turnaround. 27 years in the business  495
HP 4155B Repair Service. From $960. Quick turnaround. 27 years in the business. DEMO 960
HP 4156A HP 4156A Repair Service. From $960. Quick turnaround. 27 years in the business.  960
HP 4156A HP 4156A SPA 1 Year Warranty! IN STOCK! Semiconductor parameter analyzer 7950
HP 4192A HP4192A REPAIR SERVICE.  FLAT RATE. 27 years in the business. 1200
HP 4194A REPAIR SERVICE.  FLAT RATE. 27 years in the business. From $650 to $1950. VIDEO 650
HP 4194A Impedance Analyzer 40MHz, Gain-Phase measurements to 100MHz CALIBRATED, 1 YEAR WARRANTY 6495
Agilent 4352A PLL Analyzer. Wide band. IN STOCK 5k 650
HP 8901A HP8901A Modulation Analyzer options 002, 010. IN STOCK! 006 750
HP 89410A Vector Signal Analyzer 10 MHz . W-CDMA capability 5k. IN STOCK 1450
HP 41501A HP41501A Repair Service. From $950. Quick turnaround. Free estimates. We can repair error 10524 950
HP 70420A Phase Noise Test Set for HP E5500A Phase Noise Measurement System (available separately) 001 3750
IFR  6844A IFR6844A Microwave Signal Analyzer. Options 2, 12, 24, 30. IN STOCK 006 6500
Keithley 4200 Keithley 4200 System with 2 HPSMU & 2 MPSMU. 4200-PA preamps are available. 001 9750
R&S SFU R&S SFU Broadcast Test system options B2, B3, B4, B6, B10, B30. Fading, C/N, 3 GHz BW, Software included. 001 4595
Sencore LC102 Capacitance-Inductance Analyzer ESR Leakage Ringing. Test voltage up to 600V for Electrolythics 001 850
Tektronix VM700A Tektronix VM700A Video Analysis system opt 01 (NTSC) IN STOCK 001/30731 950
Tescom T-3000C Bluetooth analyzer-tester. Built in generator. Loop back testing for Bluetooth devices. opt 20  k5 1950
NEED MORE INFO?  We can email picture or a specs sheet 

Call: 650-261-1711 Mo-Fri, 8:30 to 6:30 Pacific Standard Tine            E-MAIL US